Stop scour bug build up before it starts

Recent, independent research has confirmed just how exposed newborn calves are to picking up disease. For example, on average, it will take a young calf up to three and a half hours to get its first suck. And before it even finds its mother’s teat, it may well have already sucked her tail, leg and other body parts. As a result, the young calf will ingest large number of bugs – Salmonella, E Coli etc – before it receives one drop of colostrum.

Provita’s Tommy Armstrong takes up the story:

“It is crucially important for a young calf to get colostrum as soon as possible after birth,” he explained

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Focus on ‘Protect’ at Connon Farm Merchants

February 8th, Provita’s Tommy Armstrong will be in attendance at Connon Farm Merchants to discuss with customers the absolute necessity of giving newborn calves the best possible start and, in this context, the valuable role that can be played by Provita ‘Protect’ One direct impact of last year’s poor grazing season and the subsequent fall-off … Read more

Protect your calves

Provita will be profiling Protect at Fintona. It is the first and only probiotic licensed for the prevention of calf scours in the UK. Tommy Armstrong again: One way of ensuring that all newborn calves get the required immunity booster they need is to administer Provita Protect. “Recent, independent research has confirmed just how exposed … Read more

Visit Provita at Livestock 2012 4th & 5th September

Livestock 2012 4th and 5th September, NEC, Birmingham, UK Organised by RABDF, Livestock 2012 is the leading event for the livestock sector in the UK. It attracts more than 16,000 visitors a year and presents a unique opportunity for farmers, herdsmen, consultants, processors and retailers from all over the world to see the best dairy … Read more