Provita products help reduce scour in newborn calves

In spring 2017 Cavan Johnson who is a dairy farmer in Co Down struggled to control calf scour.  His veterinarian at Downe Veterinary Clinic contacted Provita to help investigate this case.

Provita recommended that Cavan only used fresh or instantly refrigerated colostrum and give every calf Provita Protect, the only medicinally licensed probiotic for the prevention of calf scour and Provita Calf Colostrum powder 300g.  He began this protocol towards the end of calving with good results visible so he continued for this calving season to help suppress the build-up of pathogens. Cavan will give all calves Protect and Provita Calf Colostrum first, the cow’s own colostrum is given in the second feed, and this is especially convenient at night when around 50% of his cows calve. Provita products and protocols help to protect calves during this high-risk period, giving more protection, which enables it to overcome this risk period and develop a stronger active immunity.

“We’ve had 98% less scour since using the Provita products and recommended protocol, even though the number of calves born increased by 30%! The calves are much livelier and healthier this year. Since we started calving we have only had one calf take a mild dose of scour. I cannot believe how well it has worked; it almost seems too good to be true. We have also noticed the benefits it has had in preventing pneumonia. I’d highly recommend anyone to try Provita Protect who has problems with calf scour” stated Cavan.

The McConnell’s run two separate commercial sucker herds in Clogher, Co Tyrone, with the majority of calves sold as weanlings. For the past number of years they have had problems with crypto. They tried everything without any long-term success. Most of their calves were infected and unfortunately they were losing calves to this problem.

Along with several management improvements, the McConnell’s now use Provita Protect POM-VOPS at the start of the calving period.
“Calves get up and suck from their mothers much quicker after receiving Provita Protect. It also provides them with protection from pathogens in the environment and on their mother’s hides. Now if calves take scour, it is only a mild nutritional problem, which can be solved easily. We haven’t lost any calves due to scour since using Provita Protect. It is a product I would not be without now when calves are born, after seeing a 100% reduction in scour,’ confirmed Mr Mc Connell.

Farmers Weekly, Beef farmer of the Year 2011, Sam Chesney, runs Cool Brae Farm in Co Down. He has used Provita Protect for the past ten years.

“The calves receive Protect as soon as they are born. Experience with the product has confirmed that it significantly reduces the incidences of scour. In the event of any calf coming down with the problem, we have found that it is much easier cured. I would heartily recommend its use to any dairy or suckler herd owner.”

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