New Research Studies Compares Footbath Solutions

Many dairy farmers use a range of different footbath solutions to help control lameness, often switching from one to the other with little difference in performance. Many solutions arrive on the market with the promise of treating all lameness problems but fail to live up to expectations. So how do farmers decide what will work against their lameness problems, especially the complex digital dermatitis problem? One option is to listen to other farmers. However as every farm is different often what works on one farm will frustratingly not work on another. Another option is to consider independent peer reviewed scientific evidence. 

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The Power of Advance+ Confirmed

Provita has unveiled the results of recent tests in Northern Ireland which confirm the benefits of its new inoculant Advance+. 

“We tested 28 random samples of first cut silage made at the end of May this year. Fourteen of these were treated with the new Advance+ inoculant:  the others were untreated, the grass was placed in mini silos, compacted and then left to ferment. The samples, which were subsequently sent to AFBI Hillsborough for analysis, were taken fifteen and thirty days after fermentation had commenced,” explained Provita’s Tommy Armstrong.

“And the results that are now back with us are truly astounding in terms of the benefits delivered by Advance+. “

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Getting to Grips with the Challenge of Scald

Possibly the only downside to the tremendous grass growing conditions that now pertain right across Northern Ireland is the greater predisposition of lambs and ewes to foot scald. The condition, a precursor of Foot Rot, is a direct consequence of sheep constantly walking on wet ground. Denver McCall, who runs a four hundred strong flock of mostly Suffolk cross ewes near Armagh, takes up the story.

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First Cut Silage Crops Exceptionally Heavy

Contractors in the mid Ulster are confirming to Farming Life that crops of first cut silage made this week are yielding exceptionally well.

“We have cut 400 acres of grass to date with most fields averaging between 8 to 10 tonnes per acre,” explained Alan Ewing, from AJ Ewing Contracts.

“This has been an exceptionally good grass growing year. Farmers are more than happy with the forage yields they are getting and, what’s more, grass quality is holding up well.”

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Advance+ Excellent for Dry and Wet Conditions

Independent trials submitted to the new EU silage additive registration and approval system have demonstrated excellent efficacy for Provita’s new silage inoculant Advance+.

It demonstrated excellent efficacy on easy, moderate and difficult to ensile crops, including grass, red clover, alfalfa, whole crop maize and corn cob mix. These trials were done on dry-matters from 24% to 69% and on sugars from 1.1% to 5.78%.

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New Calf Colostrum in a Mixing Bottle

Provita’s popular calf colostrum will now be available in a convenient mixing bottle. It is the same easy mix 300g powder that is currently available in sachet and multipack form. The concentrate powder contains natural dried colostrum, egg powder, probiotics, vitamins and mineral plus a full nutritional feed which is high in energy. It will … Read more

Bridging the immunity gap in young calves

Diarrhoea (scours) is the most common disease problem in the young unweaned calf. It is estimated that it affects in varying degrees over a third of all calves during their rearing period and is responsible for about half of all British calf deaths. Problems arise in all types of cattle husbandry systems. (MDC & NADIS)

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Every Cloud has a Silver Lining!

David Jardine and his brother Jonathan own and manage a combined commercial sheep and pedigree Limousin cattle enterprise, near Dromara in Co Down.

“For the most part, I look after the sheep, which leaves Jonathan to concentrate on the cattle,” David explained.

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