Provita launch two new products in time for lambing season

Provita have been researching and developing new products to help improve the health of new born lambs and ewes for over 25 years. The latest addition to the widely tried and trusted product range is Jump Start for lambs and Ewe Two for sheep.




Jump Start for lambs is a broad spectrum oral feed to help give lambs the best possible start in life.

It contains three different energy sources to work instantly and long term. It also contains egg powder to avoid upsets and 14 different minerals and vitamins at very high levels. The high levels of Cobalt, Selenium, B12 and Vitamin E are designed to counteract nutritional deficiencies that can cause white muscle or pining. It should be given to lambs as soon as they are born, or to lambs that are stressed or weak. It is particularly useful for twin or triplet lambs. It normally comes in a 100ml bottle, but there is a special launch offer with 25 ml extra FREE. The promotional pack contains enough to do 31 lambs, 25+6 FREE.



Ewe Two is a premium oral drench for sheep with suspected twin lamb, or ewes needing extra minerals and vitamins at times of stress.

It contains an instant energy source and high levels of 14 different minerals and vitamins considered to be effective at counteracting nutritional deficiencies. It should be used for ewes that have suspected twin lamb either before or after they have gone down, for ewes with difficult deliveries, or when stressed, e.g. poor weather. The high levels of Cobalt, Selenium, Iodine, Iron, B12 and vitamin E will counteract the most common deficiencies that can affect ewes around lambing or at times of stress. It is available in 500ml bottle containing 10 feeds.