Second cut silage harvesting got underway this week with farmers and contractors reporting that grass swards have headed faster than anticipated.
“We started harvesting our own second cut a few days ago,” confirmed Gilford-based milk producer and grass contractor Mark Spence.
“The recent spell of hot weather, in tandem, with the rain of recent days has really boosted grass growth rates.
“On Wednesday of this we harvested 10 acres that had been cut the first time at the beginning of May. The field in question received the equivalent of 1¾ bags of 24: 0: 6 as soon as the first cut had been taken.
“I was truly surprised at how well it had grown on over the past number of weeks. The grass was cut with a mower conditioner, allowed to wilt for 24 hours and then picked up with a John Deere self- propelled harvester.