Provita Promist – Unqiue Air Purifier

Provita Promist is a unique air purifier containing a blend of natural organic acids, essential oils and wetting agents which together help control the levels of dust and ammonia in the housing of  intensively reared livestock. It costs approximately £2 per head per winter.

25L of Promist does approximately 100 head of cattle, this will vary depending on farm set up and weather conditions. It should be used at housing or when new stock are introduced onto the farm . Thereafter use as often as required, e.g. when more stock is added to cattle houses or during still weather conditions until air flow improves. It can also be used daily in houses that have permanently poor air flow. Promist will reduce ammonia, dust and lower the pH. It should be used above and around the cattle and will purify the air, the surfaces and the animals.