David Jones, Biomaterial Science Chair, Queen’s University, Belfast recognises that there are many products and chemicals that have been used for footbath solutions. A major difficulty in making an informed choice has been availability of a consistent and reproducible method for testing the performance of each under conditions that would mimic those on farm. Therefore, in testing the solutions, one of the conditions tested was when solid matter is left standing in solution for 24 hours. Copper, formaldehyde and Hoofsure Endurance were tested. Hoofsure Endurance demonstrated a consistent efficacy profile under test conditions while copper and formaldehyde failed to meet the test criteria.
Export Manager, Stephen Haslam commented:
“Canadian and US veterinarians have found dairy farmers to be enquiring more and more about safe alternative footbathing products to copper and formalin with proven efficacy. Veterinarians were interested in the independent research conducted by Queen’s University into footbathing solutions. Veterinarians from Brazil were also fascinated by the technology behind Provita Combat. We are delighted with the response we received to our latest research and will continue to share our expertise at the forthcoming conferences.”