Enhanced Hoofcare Services from Provita

With lameness estimated to cost approximately £10,000 per 100 cows in herds with an average level of lameness, it represents one of the areas dairy farmers can target to reduce costs and benefit from improved herd health and fertility. Work carried out by Dairyco showed that farmers who footbath all year around have 75% less lameness than those who don’t footbath.

Hoofsure Range

Provita manufacture the Hoofsure range in Northern Ireland to help control lameness. 

Hoofsure Endurance is a safe footbath solution containing organic acids, tea tree oil and wetting agents to be used for daily foot bathing purposes. It is extremely cost effective, given its 1% dilution rate. However at times of risk such as, changing products, changing feed, introduction of freshly calved cows or heifers, a higher cow cubicle rate and peak production it is best to use it at 2%.

Hoofsure Combat is a film forming sanitising spray based on tea tree oil and organic acids. It should be spot sprayed for 3 to 5 days every milking for early stage problems, i.e. less than 2 cm.

Later stage problems, i.e. more than 2 cm, can be spot sprayed using Hoofsure Endurance at 25% and applied using an acid resistant sprayer. This can be a useful technique for larger herds with a high level of infection.







Hoofsure Konquest is a potent gel based on organic acids, tea tree oil and a penetrating agent, it can be seen to work with minutes, see pictures. It is now available in 15g, 30g and 300g tubes plus a new 300g tub. This product can be used along with a wrap for cows that are lame with later stage problems more than 2cm. Care must be taken to apply the gel to infected areas only plus the wrap must be removed after two days.


Special Offers

The following are available FREE with selected quantities of Hoofsure Endurance: 

5 litre acid resistant sprayer

Robust acid resistant sprayer free which is ideal for spot spraying in the parlour, see picture, and for using on heifers and dry cows; making early intervention easy with greater chance of  successful outcomes.

2 meter anti-slip footbath

Anti-slip Paxton cattle footbath ideal for pre-wash footbathing which results in 2.5 times better efficacy.  Also ideal for use at water troughs for allowing dry cows and heifers to footbath themselves.  

Automatic dilution rate pump

Robust acid proof water driven pump will automatically draw the right amount of Hoofsure Endurance solution and mix it with water at the right rate every time, no mistakes, no handling jugs or chemical spills, just turn the lever on, see picture.

On farm testing and support services

Provita can carry out on farm visits to assess lameness and DD. A farm specific footbathing protocol can then be recommended and follow-up visits arranged to check progress. Provita can test the footbath mix to ensure it is still effective after cows have been through it. Additionally they can carry out tests for copper in soils using an independent UKASTA approved lab.

Provita are committed to working in partnership with dairy farmers to improve their herd mobility.