Promist helps to reduce antibiotic usage by 90%

The use of Provita Promist to improve air quality and maintain good animal health is rapidly growing across Northern Ireland.  Barry Logan at Logan Calf Farms rears c. 2000 calves per year near Ahoghill, County Antrim.  They arrive from various farms and marts at 1 month old and are sold on at around 3 months old.  The calves come from many different sources so are exposed to a mixture of various airborne pathogens.  At the end of 2016, there was a particularly calm spell of weather which led to poor airflow in sheds regardless of how well designed or open the houses were.  At this time, approximately 50% of the calves needed to be given an antibiotic. However, since Barry started using Provita Promist regularly he sees an immediate and significant improvement in the air quality, resulting in only 5% of calves needing an antibiotic; a 90% reduction!  He now uses Provita Promist regularly to maintain good airflow and quality to help keep his calves healthy and thriving. With Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) becoming a major threat for animal and human health the use of alternative products such as Provita Promist will have a much greater role to play in keeping livestock healthier in the future.  Logan Calf Farms purchase Promist from Connon General Merchants.

James and Francis Kyle who run 200 milking cows near Ballymoney have seen a big difference in their calf health and vitality since they starting using Provita Promist. They were using a fan and tunnel but were still having problems. Since using Provita Promist they have reduced their usage of antibiotics.  They have also experienced a vast reduction in digital dermatitis related lameness by signing up to Provita Hoofsure HELP service and using Hoofsure Endurance footbath solution.  Steele Farm Supplies keep stock of Provita Promist and serve the Kyle Farm.

The Shaw family farm in Castlewellan is home to a small herd of spring calving suckler cows plus a number of bought-in cattle.  After reviewing their rearing process in relation to pneumonia prevention they pinpointed environmental factors as a potential issue.  They started using Provita Promist to fog sheds when weanlings, young stores, finishers and suckler cow groups were housed from late September to early November.  The results were very noticeable when mixing various batches of cattle in the same air space as no groups developed acute coughs upon housing.  The respiratory health in bought-in calves has been greatly improved with use of Provita Promist. Another observation since using Provita Promist is the absence of ringworm infection on calves in houses that have traditionally manifested it. While it is typically innocuous in cattle, it is unsightly and something they are pleasantly surprised not to see this year.  Castle Vets supply the Shaw farm with their Provita products.

Provita Promist is available in over 200 outlets across Northern Ireland.  FREEPHONE 0800 328 4982 for your nearest stockist.

Provita Promist demos on Northern Ireland farms

Farmers are invited to see Provita Promist in action and discuss their specific farm animal health needs across farms in Northern Ireland:

Wednesday 22nd November at 12pm  James & Francis Kyle, 6 Cregagh Rd, Ballymoney, BT53 8JN

Wednesday 22nd November at 6pm  Eddie Rodgers, 2 Church Rd, Tullynagowan, Derrygonnelly BT93 6BL

Wednesday 22nd November at 7.30pm  Robert & George Shaw, 27 Drumbuck road, Castlewellan, BT31 9BS

Visit for more information or call 0800 328 4982 to register your interest in attending any of the Provita demos.