Why use Advance+ for sheep

Why use Advance+ for sheep

Making better silage this season will pay for itself come wintertime when feeding pregnant ewes.


Why? Because Advance+ will:

Produce a more energy dense silage

Increased silage intakes by ewes

Reduce meal costs, especially close up to lambing dates

Less spoilage so less problems/issues associated with that

Less waste so more silage is fed and unnecessarily dumped


  • it costs approx. £1 for you to treat 1 tonne of silage
  • This will feed 100 ewes carrying twins for circa. 2 days
  • This means it will cost half a penny in Advance+ to feed each ewe for the 2 days!
  • This investment will be easily returned in meal cost savings in later pregnancy


#Advance+ #betterforagebettesheep #makesilagepaythiswinter #inforpennyinforpound