Tremendous demand for new Provita sheep products

Provita is confirming a tremendous demand for its two new sheep products:  Jump Start and Ewe Two.

Flock owners are confirming very high lambing percentages this year,” explained the company’s Tommy Armstrong.

“The arrival of triplets and even quads have been common enough occurrences within flocks over recent weeks. And, obviously, farms want to keep as many of these lambs as possible alive and thriving.”

The two new Provita products have been developed on the back of a two-year research and development programme. Tommy Armstrong again:

Jump Start is a nutritional supplement, specifically developed to provide newborn lambs with beneficial sources of immediately available and sustained energy.

“The product is high in energy, egg powder and minerals and vitamins to boost newborn lambs,” Tommy explained.

“It will help get them up and going quickly. Jump Start counteracts common nutritional deficiencies giving lambs the best possible start in life.

“It contains 14 different types of minerals and vitamins with very high levels of Vitamin E and Selenium. Two pumps, providing a 4 ml feed from the automatic dispenser will ensure that newborn lambs get the nutritional boost they need and get up and going and suck their mother quicker.”

Ewe Two Is a fast-acting, high energy drench for sheep with suspected twin lamb and/or ewes needing extra energy, minerals and vitamins after a difficult birth.

A 50ml drench is recommended after a difficult lambing or prior to birth in the case of ewes known to be prone or have twin lamb condition.”


Jump Start does the business on Portstewart sheep flock

This year has seen Portstewart flockowners Philip and Elaine Anderson administer the new Provita nutritional boost ‘Jump Start’ to all of their newborn lambs. Their 80-strong ewe group includes the 20 breeding females, which make up the Drain Zwartbles’ flock.

“Elaine takes all to do with the pedigrees,” Philip explained.

“Last year will live long in the memory as she won the Northern Ireland Zwartbles’ Annual Flock competition.

“We are committed to giving our lambs the best possible start. I was encouraged to use the new Provita Jump Start product. And it has worked a treat. It is extremely palatable and gave the newborns the boost they needed at a critical time in their lives. After receiving Jump Start they were a lot more lively and were up within minutes.”