Provita Promist – respiratory problems on Fermanagh suckler farm

Brothers Ian and William Brock manage a 120 strong herd of Charolais cross Limousin suckler cows near Belleek in Co Fermanagh. The cows calve the year round with an approximate 60: 40 Spring/Autumn split.

“We aim to supply high quality weanlings for the market with our calves sold at between 400 and 450 kilos liveweight,” Ian explained.

“We run a self-contained herd with AI bulls used to produce our replacement heifers. The remainder of the herd is crossed with high quality, mainly Charolais, sires.”

The brothers have built up cow numbers over the past six years. Emphasis has always been placed in breeding cows that are capable of rearing top quality suckled calves.

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