Special Offers at Fintona

Give your stock the mineral and vitamin boost they need now

Boosting essential minerals and vitamins in ewes pre-lambing will have a benefit for ewes and the benefit will be also passed onto lambs.

Most sources of minerals and vitamins sources are only designed to provide daily dose levels. However to correct deficiencies and boost performance certain minerals and vitamin need to be given at much higher levels.

ProVitaMin is a unique range of chelated minerals, vitamins and trace elements in an ultra-concentrated liquid drench form. The drench contains all the essential chelated minerals, vitamins and trace element that mothers need at lambing or calving time. The product is also designed to improve fertility, growth performance and thriftiness.

“ProVitaMin contains 25 different elements at a high level to help correct deficiencies, improve fertility and improve performance. The high level of B vitamins will help stimulate appetite and the chelated minerals allow for a slow release benefit.

“As a consequence of its highly concentrated formula, a 50ml dose is all that’s required for adult cattle, or 10 ml for adult ewes, facilitating quick and easy drenching.

Tommy added:

“ProVitaMin is available for sheep, with or without Copper, the range is completed by ProVitaMin – ColSelB12, containing Cobalt, Selenium and Vitamin B12 together with high levels of vitamins A, D and E. This drench is particularly cost effective at 9p per ewe for boosting the commonly deficient and important Colbalt, Selenium and Vitamin E. Reports by the Scottish Agriculture College has reported that boosting Selenium and Viamin E in the ewe before laming can improve lamb vigour and survival.

“We will be doing a special show offer- order one get one free, the product will then be supplied via local Provita stockists.”


Up to 20% extra lamb colostrum FREE

The ever popular Provita Lamb Colostrum will be available with up to 20% extra FREE within tubs for the 2015 season. The Provita colostrum contains natural EU sourced colostrum, egg powder, probiotic, vitamins and energy sources that delivers 221 calories per full dose. It will get lambs up and going within minutes.

Provita Lamb Response is an oral liquid suspension that supplies a unique combination of probiotic bacteria, active proteins and vitamins to kick start newborn lambs delivering 10 calories. It will help get lambs going where Provita colostrum is not being used. Lambs are born with a sterile gut and have little resistance to harmful bacteria. Provita Lamb Response should be used to aid the establishment of beneficial bacteria within the digestive tract, whilst reducing the attachment of harmful bacteria to the gut wall.

Provita has also confirmed that it’s Energy Plus nutritional supplement is now available in 250 ml and 500ml pack options. It provides an instantly available energy source to cows with ketosis and ewes with twin lamb disease. If the current weather continues twin lamb disease will be a problem this year and Energy Plus can help ewes overcome this problem.

“Up to now Energy Plus has been available in 1 litre, 5 litre and 25 litre pack sizes,” Tommy Armstrong further explained.