Red Tractor Assurance (RTA) Dairy Scheme

The RTA Dairy Scheme requires dairy farmers to seek veterinary involvement in annual reviews of herd health and performance since October 2013.

The RTA Dairy Board recognises the benefits to dairy farmers of working with a vet to identify underlying health issues and using the vet’s expertise to identify ways to improve.  Because of this, the Board decided to change the minimum scheme requirements for vets to review the following on an annual basis:

? Review health and performance information collected by the farmer on:  lameness, mastitis, culling and mortalities, and other information where it is available (e.g. on fertility, metabolic disorders etc).

? See a sample of livestock (cows in milk, calves, dry cows, etc as appropriate)

? Discuss and recommend actions to the farmer if any issues (emerging or already known) are detected.

For more information see the VetNI website link to Red Tractor Assurance Dairy Scheme.