Give ewes a boost to improve performance

ProVitaMin is now used by many farmers in Northern Ireland. Farmers are seeing the benefit of using this high specification drench. More lambs, more ewes holding to the ram, tighter lambing, better condition and better growth rates are being consistently reported from all parts of Northern Ireland about the product which is manufactured in Omagh.

ProVitaMin is a range of chelated minerals, vitamins and trace elements in an ultra-concentrated liquid drench form. ProVitaMin is available for sheep, with or without copper. Both products ensure maximum mineral, trace element and vitamin bioavailability for fertility in ewes and thrive in lambs.

The product contains 24 different elements at a high level to help correct deficiencies, improve fertility and improve performance. The high level of B vitamins will help stimulate appetite and the chelated metals allow for a slow release benefit.

The new range is completed by ProVitaMin – ColSelB12, containing Cobalt, Selenium and Vitamin B12 together with high levels of vitamins A, D and E.

Due to the higher concentration the adult ewe dose is only 10ml. There is a limited offer available for the ProVitaMin sheep drench of 2.5 liters plus 1 litre FOC, call Provita or Tommy Armstrong on 07720101444 for more information.

It is also available in a cattle drench format which contains all the essential chelated minerals, vitamins and trace element that cows need at calving time. The product is also designed to improve fertility, growth performance and thriftiness in cattle.

ProVitaMin Cattle drench is particularly useful for calves, cows pre-calving, cows pre-service, flushing and growing beef cattle.

As a consequence of its highly concentrated formula, a 50ml dose is all that’s required for adult cattle, facilitating quick and easy drenching.