Flockowners across the UK give Hoofsure Endurance the ‘thumbs up’

Hoofsure Endurance, the unique footbath solution from Provita, is finding favour with leading sheep producers throughout the United Kingdom.

It provides a proven means of keeping on top of feet problems within flocks. To improve the effectiveness of the solution prepared, an increasing number of sheep producers place a sponge mat on the floor of the bath. But in the same way as one swallow does not make a summer, foot bathing once in a blue moon will not deliver the degree of control over hoof problems required by sheep producers.

Ian Gryce, from Whitby in North Yorkshire has tried many different products in an attempt to get real control over the feet problems within his flock. Here’s what he has to say about Hoofsure Endurance:

“After using Hoofsure Endurance regularly in the footbath I now hardly see any foot trouble. If there is the odd case of scald or foot-rot I mix up Endurance at 10%, in a spray bottle. In one severe case we had a tup that was in very bad shape. Within a week, after using the spray, the foot was fixed and he was right again. I can swear by the product as it does the job.”

Meanwhile, Mr R Brocklehurst, from the north of England, bought Hoofsure Endurance and Combat to help control foot problems in his flock.


“We found that regular running through the footbath with Hoofsure Endurance will help keep feet right, especially during risk times including seasonal and weather changes,” he confirmed.


“The feet have to be right as lame sheep will not thrive. In my opinion Hoofsure Endurance is the best product we’ve used.”